Tranoï International Fashion Show
It’s about time I tell you more about the event that contributed to the launch of Asiascope.fr . Indeed, it all started with the Korean brand LEESLE, and their coming to Paris , almost a year ago ( time sure flies). Tranoï is a glamourous trade show taking place at Palais de la Bourse in Paris, but also at the Louvre and in the 3rd arrondissment. It’s THE place to be during the Parisian Fashion Week if you want to get known as a brand and strike deals, if you’re a buyer and if, like me, you’re in love with forward fashion and want to keep up with trends. It’s also a perfect opportunity to discover new designers, and discuss with them. People at Tranoï are rather accessible, laid-back and in general eager to present their brand and talk about their inspiration. I met lots of awesome creative minds coming from all over the world. I came to my first event with a specific goal in mind, and I ended up discovering so many talented people. Now, it’s an event I can’t possibly imagine missing, because I know there will always be a garnment of an accessory that will blow my mind away. Here is a selection of designers from the latest shows you should definitely keep your eye on,coming from Asia and the rest of the world.
Jae Woo Kim
High quality fabric, crisp lines and straightforward but striking details, Jae Woo Kim’s fashion is elegant in its simplicity. Urban fashion at its finest.
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Gaze de lin, Designed by SoYoung Chang
Apparently available in France, which is good news, Gaze de Lin is a feminine brand whose designs drape the silhouette with grace and modernity. Ethereal with a touch of an urban feel.
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That display right there made me stop in my tracks. 3 outfits I definitely wanted to wear : contemporary, simple and clean.
Behind this brand, an amazing duo coming up with strong lines, asymetric shapes and ungendered fashion.
View this post on InstagramBESFXXK 2018 AW Trackjumper Trench Coat
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Designer of Chinese heritage, Larry Leong imagines unconventional designs made in Italy. Whimsical, fun and elegant.
View this post on InstagramWho else is over the snow?? @elizabethsmart making it shine with her pyramid bag.
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Sugiyama Takahiro creates unique jewelry, with rings inspired by Oni (demons in Japanese) masks.
Simple design in harmony with nature. More than fashion, a lifestyle.
View this post on Instagram<kaval AW17 collection> New items are now available at yau. #yau. #kaval
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My biggest fashion crush ever ! Designer Senem Gencoglu takes her inspiration from planets and stars to create delicate rings ,bracelets and earrings that will definitely brings up refinement to any outfits. It’s amazing how her sensitivity to cosmology translates so well in her designs. I really wish her line was easily available in France. Kloto is definitely a label to follow.
Annika Innez
The collection displayed was sharp , classy and impactful. The designer was very warm and eager to chat which is definitely a plus^^ Fashion from Brooklyn.
Joëlle Grossi
Based in the south of France, this brand creates awesome adornment garnments, handmade with care. An original way to put a regal touch to any outfits. Each design is unique and make you feel so awesome as you wear them. They surprisingly adapt to everyday clothes, and will make you feel exceptional.
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Going to Tranoï shows is always like opening a treasure chest : so many creative designers come for each session that you’re sure to see something you definitely like. Add to that the whole glamourous atmosphere of the venues and you’ll be convinced that Tranoï is the perfect place to connect with avant-garde fashion. Next show will take place in June , look forward to it !

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