Fashion,  Interview,  Korea

YUGADANG: Korean culture in style

Interested in Korean fashion and keeping up with the latest trends? You’re at the right place! Asiascope is launching a series highlighting a selection of Korean brands waiting to take the global scene by storm. As the Seoul Fashion week is getting near, we’ve met this summer with passionnate designers who are making the fashion scene exciting. We’re starting first with Yugadang, which prides itself in showcasing the uniqueness of Korean culture in stylishly-conceived active wear and accessories.

The beginnings

Behind Yugadang are 2 designers, united by a shared vision of fashion. Ji Eun Sung studied fashion design at the prestigious Parsons School in New York. Back to Korea, she met Top Park, who also graduated from the same major at Kookmin university. Both of them participated to many exhibitions together while being members of the fashion designers association in Korea.

They noticed that at the time, there weren’t many Korean brands enhancing Korean culture apart from hanboks. They wanted to create a brand infused with Korean history and elements. Yugadang was thus launched in 2021, and the first collection released at the Seoul Fashion week in 2022.

Yugadang’s concept and philosophy

At the heart of the brand is the desire to incorporate Korean culture to everyday life. Because, according to Ji Eun, social media and modern life tend to make people, especially the younger generation, move away from their roots, it is necessary to keep culture alive by using traditional imagery and motifs in Yugadang’s items. For example, creating a skirt sporting”saekdong” the 5-colour pattern you very often find on hanboks (Note: hanboks are Korea’s traditional wear) sleeves. The concept is revisited by using sequins, making it a fashion-forward piece with a traditional inspiration.

It’s also important for the couple to raise awareness about some issues affecting modern-day Korea, such as the loss of the nation’s fauna and flora. As such, they came up with a T shirt featuring an otter, an exctinct species that used to thrive on the banks of the Han River. Proving that fashion can adress very pressing topics in an almost whimsical way.

The very name Yugadang is a philosophy in itself. Making light of the obsession about “Mugadang”, meaning a “sugar-free” lifestyle, the designers wanted to promote a more positive outlook. Hence “Yugadang” which literally means ” adding oil to sugar”. Sweetness is a necessary component to life. That appreciation of life can be felt in the bright colours of the collections exhuding positivity.

The road so far…

Establishing a fashion brand in Korea is no walk in the park. As fashion design graduates, the business side of the venture can be daunting. Both designers consider it was the hardest part of launching Yugadang. The Korean government is willing to help if entrepreneurs want to expland globally, but on the domestic market, you’re on your own until you make it. That is why Top Park really wants their brand to strive and thrive overseas, in order to introduce Korea’s culture through fashion and make it a household name on the international scene. And what makes Yugadang so alluring is their creativity in building such a unique identity.

As the brand was launched in the aftermath of the covid pandemic, it was important to find new ways to reach the public. Thus releasing fashion movies on their youtube channel, which are genuine pieces of art, taking inspiration from folk tales.

Speaking of music, the K fashion scene collaborates with a plethora of kpop artists. In 2021, 3 members of the group Omega X transformed into royals for the brand. Kpop is definitely a part of the brand’s ADN.

…And what’s to come.

Yugadang will join the Metaverse! Like other prestigious brands like Gucci or Chanel, the Korean label will join Zepeto in october, the largest multiverse platform in Asia with more than 300 milion users. It will be possible to dress your avatar with Yugadang’s clothes, and purchase them on the platform. You will be able to visit the showroom and see fashion shows.

Yugadang will aslo participate to IRL events, such as Coterie in New York , Who’s Next or Tranoï in Paris.

One thing is for certain: Yugadang is ready to showcase their unique casual wear to the world, enhancing Korean culture and tradition in their collections. The brand has a unique touch in the way their clothes and accessories effortlessly showcase years of Korean history with a vivid and colorful imagery, proving how an artistic vision can rejuvenate and maintain a culture which boast centuries of existence. Let’s hope that the brand will find its way in Europe very soon. In the meantime, Yugadang is definitely a Korean fashion brand to keep a keen eye on.

Yugadang’s official site


Thanks to Ji Eun Sung and Top Park for their time.

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