YUGADANG: Korean culture in style
Interested in Korean fashion and keeping up with the latest trends? You’re at the right place! Asiascope is launching a series highlighting a selection of Korean brands waiting to take the global scene by storm. As the Seoul Fashion week…
Les bonnes recettes des éditions KANA
Deux titres alléchants ont fait leur apparition aux Editions Kana le mois dernier. Le premier s’intitule “Mon chat, ma cuisine et moi” de Han Hye Yeon, charmante artiste coréenne qui était de passage à Paris pour en faire la promotion.On…
Leesle Hwang , modernizing tradition in style
Paris, June 2017. The Parisian summer has just started , and the Palais Bourse, an elegant monument in the center of the capital city hosts one of its most major Fashion event , the Tranoï Festival. Designers from all around…